After what’s felt like an endless slog of muggy days and rainy weekends, the Baltimore region can expect warmer, sunnier days ahead.
The turn from gloom to glory begins Monday, with a high temperature of around 78 degrees, mostly sunny conditions and a gentle south wind, according to the National Weather Service.
Temperatures on Wednesday and Thursday are forecast to hit a high of around 86 degrees. The normal daily maximum temperature for that part of May is around 77 degrees, according to the weather service.
Tuesday and Thursday night also bring a chance of thunderstorms. Chesnea Skeen, a meteorologist at the Baltimore-Washington Office of the National Weather Service, said Thursday has the potential for strong or severe storms.
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The timing is up for debate, Skeen said, and the forecasters will become more confident as Thursday approaches. But Tit looks like there will be persistent showers Thursday, with a storm front that is “potent but slow-moving,” Skeen said.
While it’s seemed that every weekend lately has been rainy, that pattern may break. As of Monday morning, the Baltimore region was expected to have less than a 50% chance of rain on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday is forecast to be partly sunny, too, instead of full cloud cover.
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Most of Maryland has a chance of seeing a warmer and wetter than normal summer. Forecasters have also said there’s a chance of La Niña developing this summer, which can mean a more intense hurricane season.
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