Astrology 101: Did you know you have three signs (sun, moon and rising), not just one? Most people know only their sun sign, which is determined by their birth day and month, but the most accurate horoscope is actually chosen by your rising (sometimes called ascendant) sign. Don’t know your rising sign? Use this free calculator. Once you know your ascendant/rising sign, read that horoscope below!

Aries (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Aries — Early in the week, finances could be on your mind. You have an extra boost of good luck to get through for now but should take any concerns that crop up as a forewarning to prepare for the future. By midweek, your mind is especially active, and you’ll excel at anything involving organization. Any activities involving children and your home life should be smooth. Games, creative projects or romance are all great choices for your weekend.

Taurus (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Taurus — Don’t let any fleeting insecurity about your self-image keep you from forging ahead with your ambitions this week. Your imaginative ideas will see you through and you can make major progress on a creative project by midweek. The weekend brings you a sense of satisfaction and you can be completely yourself. Connecting body, mind and spirit, and getting in touch with your subconscious through meditation or dreams will make you feel thoroughly comfortable in your surroundings.

Gemini (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Gemini — Start the week with the realization that you might not have to say everything that comes to your mind, as soon as you think of it. Your ideas may be brilliant but give yourself a chance to formulate the most appealing way to present them before making them known to others. A very busy weekend will give you an opportunity to have great conversations and contacts that soothe your soul and brighten your world.

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Cancer (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Cancer — Early in the week, your friendships and group associations are getting your attention. There could be a little confusion in those areas, but your clear communication and reassurance will ensure that all is well. By midweek, your friends will inspire you and help you find great opportunities to expand your world. Showing your nurturing nature is your special gift. Events that happen over the weekend could increase your sense of security and feed your social and career ambitions.

Leo (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Leo — As long as you keep your pride in check you can make progress with your career or social ambitions early in the week. You will get the best results by emphasizing your stability, rather than flaunting your personal fabulousness. Have a great time with your friend’s midweek. You could connect with a group of kindred spirits that expands your world now. This weekend is a good time to drift off into fantasy, no matter where you are physically.

Virgo (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Virgo — Issues having to do with publishing, philosophy or higher learning could become emotional early in the week. You won’t be able to follow a set of rules or system that doesn’t resonate with you on an intuitive level now. Precise communication is the key to getting exactly what you need. You can be especially effective with authority figures now. Do your part in a group creative project this weekend for a sense of deep satisfaction.

Libra (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Libra — As much as you love your friends, some things are best decided on without their input. Listen to your intuition when it comes to shared resources. By midweek, you can make great strides in learning or teaching a subject that you are passionate about. This is a good time to travel, both local and long distance. If you aren’t ready to take a trip, you can plan one now. This weekend, your hopes for the future get a boost.

Scorpio (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Scorpio — Early in the week, partnerships and your ambition do not mesh comfortably. Conversations with friends and advisors will be very helpful with resolving your situation. Include a partner in your group activities or introduce them to your friends this week. Get away from the mundane world over the weekend. Either through study and appreciation, or travel to a distant destination can help you heal old hurts by exploring a culture that is beyond the one you are accustomed to.

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Sagittarius (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Sagittarius — Getting your obligations and mundane tasks finished will have to be priority early in the week. Communication with an authority figure can be very effective this week. Attend to your body this week, as well. Getting a massage or going to a spa could be exactly what you need. Go for an adventure over the weekend. You will find beauty and could even find love in a place that is different from your everyday world.

Capricorn (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Capricorn — Avoid speculation or risking someone else’s resources early this week. If you take a chance on something, be sure that you are aware of what you have to lose as well as what you could win. This is a good week to tell the world about a creative project or fun idea you have. Any effort to make a public statement will be amplified further than you expected. Spend the weekend at home with someone close to you.

Aquarius (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Aquarius — If things are hectic in your home life this week, use your natural ability to detach and intellectualize the situation. Take the high road and you will make the right decision. Don’t shy away from expressing yourself emotionally. Focus on the beauty you see everywhere and communicate that sentiment to the people you come into contact with every day. See your best qualities mirrored in someone close to you over the weekend.

Pisces (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Pisces — Be patient and careful with your health and routine obligations this week. Daily activities can get a little hectic now and you need to remember to take care of yourself first. Look deeply into your own psyche now to get a more solid foundation and sense of security. Break out and get a breath of fresh air, both literally and figuratively this weekend. Recreation and creative self-expression are equally important as work.