Astrology 101: Did you know you have three signs (sun, moon and rising), not just one? Most people only know their sun sign, which is determined by their birth day and month, but the most accurate horoscope is actually chosen by your rising (sometimes called ascendant) sign. Don’t know your rising sign? Use this free calculator. Once you know your ascendant/rising sign, be sure to read that horoscope below!

Aries (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Aries — This week you could find that confronting ideas you carry over from early family influences will give you a sense of self-discovery and a stronger self-identity. Being authentic in your communications now will be a good thing for everyone involved. Listen to your intuition and take action to create something that expresses your true self. It won’t necessarily be easy, but you will gain something unique and valuable that gives you a satisfying sense of security.

Taurus (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Taurus — It could seem like the fireworks on Tuesday evening are celebrating you this year. Revel in your own originality and be open to new experiences now. Your ability to communicate unique ideas this week could make a few people uncomfortable but creates opportunity for growth and positive change. Spend the weekend indulging in escapism with friends. You could take a trip or simply discuss your dreams and visions with likeminded people.

Gemini (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Gemini — Your personal values are not quite in sync with your group associations now and you could get a chance to work on that this week. Be open with your friends about what you think is important. There might also be a misalignment between your communication style and your more idealistic career goals. Work on developing practical strategies to fulfill your true ambitions. Toward the end of the week, your natural talent for forward thinking ideas could capture the attention of kindred spirits.

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Cancer (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Cancer — Be mindful of what you say in public forums this week. Your insecurities could compel you to talk too much about yourself, giving people the wrong impression of who you really are. However, your friends and trusted associates will understand you and love your stories! Your imagination is working in your favor now. If you have an interest in creative writing or other artistic projects, now is a great time to move ahead with a project.

Leo (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Leo — Leo deservedly wants to keep their dignity while standing in the spotlight. You of all people can pull it off, but this week you should take a bit of extra consideration before acting on your impulses. Aligning your deeper psychological changes with your actions is a challenge this week. Be mindful of your health now. Power struggles in your work environment can cause stress and overwork can be very draining.

Virgo (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Virgo — Naturally work focused, do yourself a favor and don’t forget to play this week. You are able to explore all sorts of new ideas now to gain a broader perspective on the world. Opportunities for travel with friends and cross-cultural experiences are likely to come up. Avoid letting unconscious habits trip you up this week. Communications and short trips with a partner go especially well over the weekend. A quick getaway could be just what you need.

Libra (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Libra — On Monday, you will probably want to stay home and luxuriate if you can possibly arrange it. In an ideal world, you will continue being self-indulgent until Tuesday afternoon when you’ll want to come out and enjoy the festivities. By midweek, your talent with networking and collaboration will be finetuned and can bring you some unexpected good luck or recognition. Over the weekend, pay kind attention to the needs of those closest to you.

Scorpio (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Scorpio — Your mind is very active this week and your thinking can be overly influenced by your feelings and beliefs. Be open to new ways of thinking about your daily routines, work methods and health regimes. You have a need to integrate your creativity and idealism into your career and social ambitions. The path may not be entirely clear yet, but you can feel the pull. Establish practical goals and avoid getting lost in illusions.

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Sagittarius (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Sagittarius — Enjoy watching the fireworks with your neighbors and extended family on Tuesday. This week, you have a chance to explore the reasons behind challenges associated with your creative projects or children in your life. You are in an investigative state of mind and may find that your interests lean toward healing and alternative health methods. Also, you could come up with some very innovative methods to apply to the work you do every day.

Capricorn (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Capricorn — Issues that are rooted in your early family influences and make your home life a bit challenging this week. You are able to take a valuable lesson from differences of opinion and spin what you’ve learned into original ideas that bring you much joy. Your intuition is impeccable now and you have great insights into your immediate surroundings this week. You can express your thoughts in a sensitive, compassionate and even poetic manner now.

Aquarius (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Aquarius — On Monday, you will probably want to keep to yourself. A little period of hibernation will prepare you to come out for a breath of fresh air late on Tuesday. By midweek, you will be able to apply your innovative ideas to something involving your home life. Adding something unusual to your décor or acquiring some new technology will enhance both your emotional and physical comfort. Avoid the temptation to work over the weekend.

Pisces (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Pisces — Being with friends early in the week will give you emotional satisfaction that helps bolster your assessment of what your true values are. Being selfless and compassionate are wonderful traits, but you also need boundaries to keep your own health in order. Be careful not to lose yourself in work, or work to the point of exhaustion. Remember to have fun! You are likely to excel at electronic games and word play this week.