Astrology 101: Did you know you have three signs (sun, moon and rising), not just one? Most people only know their sun sign, which is determined by their birth day and month, but the most accurate horoscope is actually chosen by your rising (sometimes called ascendant) sign. Don’t know your rising sign? Use this free calculator. Once you know your ascendant/rising sign, be sure to read that horoscope below!
The summer solstice is on Wednesday at 7:58 a.m. in Baltimore. Celebrate the longest day of the year this week!

Aries — If tempted to gamble on something that costs more than you can afford this week, listen to that little voice in your subconscious that tells you to hold back on spending. You should try to celebrate the beginning of summer with some outdoor activities. On the weekend, you are likely to have to put your personal wants aside to fulfill an obligation. Look on the bright side and think of the greater good.

Taurus — Monday is a great day for you to build on your ideas. Expect a good response from others and support for the long-term. Prepare your home for summer living and celebrate the beginning of summer by inviting friends and family to join you in your own domain. The weekend is a time to break away from worn-out routines. You can maintain stability, yet be original, creative and crazy in a good way!
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Gemini — On Monday, you are able to make your dreams into something tangible. You have unseen support for your ambitions. Play the benevolent authority now and get respect for your efforts. Community and family both benefit when you are willing to act on your cleverest ideas midweek. You can create balance by surrounding yourself with friends in your home now, as you deal with inner struggles between your emotions and your rational mind.

Cancer — Early this week, you can build your self-image into an unshakeable foundation. You have friends who will back you up in whatever you believe is the right thing to do. On Wednesday, you can celebrate the summer solstice and appreciate the extra energy you receive as the sun goes into your sign. Your vitality will help you advance your social status and heal old hurts associated with authority figures.

Leo — You are willing to risk your reputation to fight for what you believe in now. Pay attention to your inner voice and be aware of any self-destructive tendencies that might foil your plans. You are genuinely on the brink of something big but need to be mindful of the details. This weekend, you could get a sense that you are being restricted by some harsh rules, inspiring you to be a bit rebellious.

Virgo — On Monday, you are likely to find yourself building a stronger partnership through shared philosophies and beliefs. The solstice on Wednesday ushers in a positive time of supportive friendships and renewed energy toward setting goals and visualizing your future. Seeking a mind-body connection through physical activity that is connected to a philosophy will bring emotional healing and bolder self-expression. Spend some time doing a creative project with a partner this weekend.

Libra — Early in the week, you are likely to feel optimistic and willing to take the practical steps to get what you want. The winning combination of enthusiasm and discipline can bring you success and fulfillment both at work and with health issues. Wednesday can start your summer with a willingness to be seen and a desire to be recognized for your achievements. This weekend, volunteer your energy for a cause you believe in.
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Scorpio — Matters having to do with partnership and romance are likely to be emotionally satisfying early this week. You are able to have a disciplined approach to creative projects which allows you to effectively express your best self now. You can share your ideas in a way that inspires others to reach higher. Your love of mystery and intrigue is piqued this weekend. Allow yourself some escapist fantasy that explores a favorite subject.

Sagittarius — Working to expand and improve your home life or family relationships is especially satisfying this week. You should get noticeable rewards for any effort you put in. You will have an opportunity to face your fears in a creative way now. This encounter will bring you deep insight into the truth. If you are taking or planning a trip this weekend, be sure to pay attention to details so you don’t get confused.

Capricorn — You can build something now that expresses your true self. Take a hands-on approach this week. Although ideas are valuable, there is nothing as satisfying for an earth sign as being able to create an actual object. Project a positive outlook on your closest relationships this week. Remember to have fun with the people you are partners with, whether it’s a romance or business-based partnership. Recreational activities can be great bonding experiences.

Aquarius — Family values do not have to be as advertised. Consider what you genuinely value about the lessons learned from your family and feel secure that your perspective is golden. Add something eye catching to your wardrobe this week. You should be feeling vital and bright on the solstice. Be direct with someone close to you, to heal a rift that left lingering discomfort in the past. Watch impulse spending this weekend.

Pisces — You are going through a maturing process now that allows you to wisely take advantage of opportunities that come along. A dreamer by nature, you are now able to make some of those dreams real. Your ability to work hard is healing any issues you might have with self-worth. Ingrained habits that you thought you would let go of could be getting your attention this weekend. Stay focused to continue on the path you’ve chosen.
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