Astrology 101: Did you know you have three signs (sun, moon and rising), not just one? Most people only know their sun sign, which is determined by their birth day and month, but the most accurate horoscope is actually chosen by your rising (or sometimes called ascendant) sign. Don’t know your rising sign? Use this free calculator. Once you know your ascendant/rising sign, be sure to read that horoscope below!

Aries — Let go of something that isn’t working for you on Monday. On Tuesday, you could be feeling especially benevolent toward those in need. You can combine your beliefs with your compassion and give your time or other resources to a cause that you feel passionate about. By Thursday, you are facing some practical issues concerning your career. Over the weekend, you are inclined to share your deepest secrets with a friend.

Taurus — A tendency to idealize a loved one is at odds with your need for freedom. Enjoy the beautiful dreams you are holding dear, but don’t make any long-term commitments yet. Later in the week, you want to present your plans to someone who can help you. You have the right balance of optimism, originality and practicality to make a good impression. There is more power than you realize behind your words.

Gemini — Dealing with the public and one-on-one communications can be emotional and a bit unrealistic early in the week. By Thursday, you are feeling more serious and might be concerned about clearing up some debts. Examine your own psyche for clues on how to expand your world. Over the weekend, your penetrating insight and objective observation will prove to be useful. Take action in support of your long-term plans.
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Cancer — You are very creative early this week, bringing your idealism and lofty ideas into your everyday work activities. Later in the week, partnerships come into focus. Your feelings could vacillate quite a bit, so don’t commit to concepts that require a long time to develop. Communication in an attempt to accept someone else’s values can be fruitful by the end of the week. Intense emotional experiences are likely on the weekend.

Leo — Your intuition may be giving you mixed messages this week. Put off transactions that have to do with taxes, insurance and loans until a better time, or at least have a neutral third-party help to keep things straight. On the plus side, your imagination and sense of romance are in high gear and you can be your most charismatic self in the company of someone close to you this weekend.

Virgo — Be mindful that wishful thinking can keep you from seeing either business or romantic partners clearly. Either of you could inadvertently be giving out false signals. By the end of the week, your excellent sense for detail will help you approach a creative project with enough practical skill to make it a reality. Do some mind-body work over the weekend as part of the self-care that you deserve.

Libra — You are likely to purchase things to make your home feel more comfortable and secure early in the week. On Tuesday, you can be the person that gives everyone you know a valentine. You are a busy bee and make lots of people feel appreciated. The weekend can bring you more fun than you’ve had in a while. Go with the easy energy that’s flowing around you and have some laughs!

Scorpio — You can create, or deeply appreciate, art and romance this week. Normally suspicious, you temporarily suspend disbelief and allow yourself to get lost in an ideal. You are tempted to overextend yourself Tuesday. Be mindful that your current point of view may feel comfortable, but is limited. By the weekend, you can reel it in a bit and see that although nothing is perfect, you still have much to be satisfied with.
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Sagittarius — You start the week feeling a little bit magical and mystical. Let your imagination soar but remember to come back to planet Earth. Feeling more grounded by Thursday, you can assess your practical needs and come up with a clever way to make some extra cash. Your weekend promises to be very busy. You are likely to get into some intense conversations that can change your thinking for the long term.

Capricorn — Start the week by showing some love to your friends and family. You could be feeling a conflict between the need to recharge your energy through time alone and the urge to get work done. Give yourself a break until midweek if possible. Shopping could be on your mind this weekend. You know quality better than anyone and can be discerning about an investment that increases the value of your home.

Aquarius — Enjoy happy times spent with friends early in the week. Lively communication with like-minded people is good for your soul. Take a breather and get grounded on Thursday. Spend quality time with yourself, exploring your connection with the universe. Step out on the weekend and explore the world with fresh eyes. Your insight and in-depth observations can shine light on subjects you did not understand before.

Pisces — You project a dreamy and a glamorous quality that others find irresistible. Your public image is enhanced and you can freely express yourself without worry early in the week. Friends can bring some grounding energy, providing perspective later in the week. Your intuition and ability to read the room are spot on over the weekend. Your understanding of the unseen and unspoken push your creativity to new heights.
We are introducing “Ask an Astrologer,” a weekly advice column where Baltimore residents send in their life questions and The Banner’s in-house astrologer, Cheryl Fair, gives guidance based on their star chart. Interested? Send your question, birthdate, birth time and birth city to Cheryl at
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