Astrology 101: Did you know you have three signs (sun, moon, and rising), not just one? Most people only know their sun sign, which is determined by their birth day and month, but the most accurate horoscope is actually chosen by your rising (or sometimes called ascendant) sign. Don’t know your rising sign? Use this free calculator. Once you know your ascendant/rising sign, be sure to read that horoscope below!

Aries (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Aries – You start out the week with a characteristically Aries-like sorry/not sorry attitude. Midweek, take an objective look at your life and make practical decisions about how to organize your surroundings. By the end of the week, you’ll have no interest in being objective or detached about close relationships and can make a direct emotional plea for what you want from another person.

Taurus (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Taurus — You may begin the week by trying to break some long-standing bad habits. Midweek brings your focus to nurturing and protecting the people you care about. Make sure to leave space for them to take care of their own individual responsibilities. Find time to socialize with colleagues on Thursday or Friday. Intense communication with someone close to you will lead to healing on Sunday.

Gemini (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Gemini — Think twice about your everyday communications. You often have great results when you just “wing it,” but now is not the time for that. You could make a bad first impression if you aren’t careful about how you present yourself and respond to others. The things you are learning about yourself now have real value. Entertainment involving the arts will enhance your world this weekend.

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Cancer (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Cancer — Your sentimental attachment to material things could work to your disadvantage on Monday. It’s up to you to stop yourself from overreacting when casual conversation turns serious this week. Focus on how much you appreciate your home environment during the latter part of the week. You are great at making people feel comfortable and welcome, so invite friends over for a pleasant social gathering.

Leo (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Leo — Enhancing your personal appearance on Monday will bolster your confidence. Show off a little and enjoy the attention that comes your way. Your intuition about money matters is in high gear this week. Follow your instincts and do what you know is right. Express your feelings in writing this week. Your point of view could find an audience that benefits from your words.

Virgo (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Virgo — You will need to make an effort on Monday to keep your focus on the moment. Daydreaming could lure you into behavior that isn’t in your best interest. By Tuesday afternoon you are fully present and ready to face the world. Later in the week, remind yourself that you are valuable. Know your own worth and stand up for yourself if anyone questions it.

Libra (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Libra — On Monday, you might feel as if you are outgrowing some of your friends. Rather than make any rash moves, spend the next few days meditating on where you belong. By Friday, you’ll be ready to make a choice. Stepping into new territory can bring out feelings of insecurity, but acting on your decisions will ultimately bring you a sense of empowerment and strength.

Scorpio (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Scorpio — You might be feeling a bit insecure about career or public image on Monday. Take a little time to step back and reassess your situation. Midweek, confer with friends who will bolster your confidence. Toward the end of the week, surround yourself with music that inspires you, read poetry, or see a film that transports you to another world. By Sunday you will emerge refreshed.

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Sagittarius (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Sagittarius — Restlessness early in the week can make you feel a bit frustrated. Everyday obligations are in conflict with your need for adventure. If you can’t actually go anywhere now, make plans for a future journey. Midweek, be your best for the people who look to you for inspiration and friendship. Spend part of the weekend discussing your most far-reaching thoughts with kindred spirits.

Capricorn (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Capricorn — You are likely to be in an introspective frame of mind on Monday. You are trying to understand another person’s values and how they affect you. Your intellectual curiosity is piqued midweek, leading you to get away from your daily routine. Being open about your feelings on Friday will help career matters go well. Spontaneous activities with a kindred spirit can deepen your relationship on Sunday.

Aquarius (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Aquarius — Some emotional strain in your tightest relationships is likely on Monday. Midweek, you concern yourself with resources that you share with others, and this could include things like taxes and insurance. The end of the week gives you an opportunity to focus your penetrating insight on areas that help you break out of your cultural norms. Communicating your sincere conviction will help someone change their perspective.

Pisces (Jon Marchione for The Baltimore Banner)

Pisces — Give yourself extra time to take care of your work obligations on Monday. By Tuesday afternoon you’ll be thinking about your closest relationships, whether friend or foe. Communications improve on Wednesday, and by the end of the week you will be up for examining your own ulterior motives. Sunday is a good day to learn something unusual and possibly life changing. Be adventurous.

We are introducing “Ask an Astrologer,” a weekly advice column where Baltimore residents send in their life questions and The Banner’s in-house Astrologer Cheryl Fair gives guidance based on their star chart. Interested? Send your question, birthdate, birth time and birth city to Cheryl at

Cheryl Fair is a multi-disciplinary artist and professional astrologer living in Baltimore. She is a member of the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) and Mensa. For more information, check out her website

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