Our small neighborhood of Ridgely’s Delight is frequently pushed around by levels of government. Without any discussion, the state moved us from the 46th Legislative District to the 40th District 10 years ago and then moved us back to the 46th District this year.
When Baltimore needed to redistrict the City Council this year, little Ridgely’s Delight was once again proposed to be moved, this time from District 11 to District 10. I thought, “Here we go again.”
I attended the first redistricting town hall meeting and was shocked to learn that some larger communities were being split between two council districts. I felt sorry for those communities and decided not to speak up, since at least our neighborhood was staying intact.
Then the City Council approved a revised map. We were delighted to see that we remained in District 11 in this version. As a downtown neighborhood literally across the street from Oriole Park at Camden Yards, staying in the downtown district better aligns with the state’s 46th District.
I understand from the follow-up redistricting town hall meeting that other neighborhoods are happier with this second version of the map. So I was extremely disappointed that Mayor Brandon Scott vetoed the second version, which was better for most Baltimore voters, especially Ridgely’s Delight.
Sharon Reuter, Baltimore