Chances are you either know of an independent school in your area or have a friend or neighbor whose child attends one. What you may not know is that no one school is the same, even if they share some characteristics. Independent schools are vastly diverse—some are single-sex, while others are co-ed; they can have a religious affiliation or can be nonsectarian; and they can teach students from PK3 to 12th grade or focus solely on high school. Likewise, the student body at most independent schools is diverse—36%+ at the 125 member schools of AIMS, The Association of Independent Maryland & DC Schools, a nonprofit association of independent schools in Maryland and Washington, DC.

AIMS member schools are found in 15 Maryland counties, Baltimore City, and Washington, DC. The schools serve over 50,000 students, and employ close to 13,000 teachers, staff, and administrators. They can be as small as 20 students or over 1,500 students and are located in urban, suburban, and rural areas in the state.

Independent schoolteachers and staff work in a personal, family-like environment, with a strong sense of community, high academic expectations, motivated students, and involved parents, so it’s no wonder that those who work at AIMS schools love their jobs. “In my work, I get the most joy by working with smart and dedicated colleagues and with children who are excited about learning,” says one AIMS school staff member.

Interested in working at an independent school? If so, AIMS invites you to attend the Annual Job Fair on March 9 from 10am-Noon at The St. Paul’s Schools in Brooklandville (Baltimore County, MD). At the fair, schools will have representatives onsite to answer questions, share their school’s mission and values, and provide more information about career opportunities. Positions available at the schools include teachers, school counselors, admissions, advancement, and business office staff, athletic directors, librarians, and more. Complete listings of career opportunities are listed on the AIMS Career Center.

Working at an independent school allows for meaningful connections with students due to the small class size. There are also opportunities to tweak the curriculum to match students’ needs and learning styles. “The freedom to craft and deliver lessons in a way that aligns with my teaching style and the unique needs of my students has been truly empowering,” says one AIMS teacher.

For fair attendees, finding the right job often depends on finding the right match between your talents and interests and a school’s philosophy, mission, and needs.

Those who pursue a career in education often see their work as a vocation or a calling and not just a job; they want to make a difference. One AIMS teacher echoes this sentiment by saying, “The excitement reflected in my students during engaging lessons and activities brings me joy. I feel personally fulfilled knowing that I am helping to prepare future innovators and explorers of the world.”

But it’s not just teachers who share this passion and dedication. “I receive my greatest joy through the people and the environment, and even though I am not a classroom teacher, watching the kids graduate each year brings such a sense of pride,” says one AIMS administrator.

The AIMS Job Fair also hopes to attract a diverse pool of job candidates. AIMS schools want the teachers and staff to reflect the diversity of their schools as a whole and they are always looking for the best candidate and best “fit” for their school, their students, and their community.

One AIMS school staff member sums it up perfectly: “Funny enough, I wasn’t looking to work in a school initially. I knew nothing about independent schools. However, this is the best decision I made. I love the flexibility of the schedule, the autonomy I have to do my job, and the collaborative atmosphere among the employees and leadership.”