The holiday season is a time of joy – but also a time when scammers historically increase their efforts to steal personal information and money. Imposters are also taking advantage of economic challenges and pressuring families and businesses who may be struggling with past-due balances.

“It is so disappointing that these scammers continue to use this time of economic uncertainty to deceive our customers. We want to remind customers that disconnection is a last resort, and we want to help customers who may be behind,” says Ajit Apte, vice president of customer operations for BGE. “Any customer who is experiencing a hardship or difficulty with their bill should call BGE immediately at 1-800-685-0123.”

Customers with a past due balance will receive multiple service interruption notifications for nonpayment– never a single notification one hour before disconnection—and will NEVER ask for payment with a pre-paid debit card, gift card, mobile payment apps, or cryptocurrency.

Customers who are past due on their BGE bill should contact the company before they are in crisis at 410.685.0123 or

Quick Tips

BGE will never:

  • Direct a customer to purchase a prepaid debit card, pay via mobile payment apps like Cash App, Zelle, or Venmo, or pay with cryptocurrency.
  • Call once and tell a customer that they have one hour to pay or they will be disconnected immediately. If a customer has a past due balance, they will receive multiple notifications requesting payment.
  • Request information BGE already has, including choice ID numbers, social security numbers or any other personal information.
  • Offer a discount or rebate.
  • Trust your instincts. If a call does not seem like it is from BGE, customers should hang up and call BGE immediately at 1-800-685-0123.

Always Remember

  • Never provide your social security number or personal information to anyone initiating contact with you claiming to be a utility representative or requesting that you send money to another person or entity other than your local utility provider.
  • Always ask to see a company photo ID before allowing any utility worker into your home or business. BGE employees visibly display a company ID badge with BGE’s logo and their name. Note: two versions of BGE’s logo currently exist. Any customer who is uncertain should call BGE at 800.685.0123.
  • BGE does not take cash payments at the door.

Any customer who believes they’ve been a target of a scam is urged to contact their local police. Customers can also self-report utility-related scams to BGE through our website or call 1-800-658-0123.