Age: 45

Personal: Mosby lives in Reservoir Hill. He has two daughters with his ex-wife, former State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby.

Education: Mosby holds a bachelor’s degree in electronics and electronics engineering from Tuskegee University, as well as a master’s degree in telecommunications management from Stevens Institute of Technology.

Experience: Before running for elected office, Mosby worked as a senior project manager at Baltimore Gas and Electric and before that as a network engineer for Verizon in Baltimore. He was first elected to City Council, representing West Baltimore’s District 7, in 2011. In 2017, Mosby joined the Maryland House of Delegates, representing West Baltimore in Annapolis after he was appointed to the seat and later held onto the seat in the 2018 elections. Mosby ran successfully for City Council president in 2020, besting then-Councilwoman Shannon Sneed.

Endorsements: Maryland Sen. Antonio Hayes, Delegates Stephanie M. Smith, Malcolm P. Ruff and Regina T. Boyce.

Notable donors: Alex Smith of Atlas Restaurant Group and his wife Christina Ghani, MCB Property Services, Mark Sapperstein, One Call Concepts, R.E. Harrington Plumbing & Heating Company, Comm-Foods Inc. Other notable donors include P. David Bramble, the lead developer behind the proposed revamp of Harborplace, who personally wrote a $2,000 check. Baltimore City Fire Fighters Local No. 7, Baltimore Gas and Electric PAC, CVP Cross Keys Investors. Josh Fannon, the president of the union IAFF Local 964, personally gave $1,500.

Read The Baltimore Banner profile of Nick Mosby.


A: We must be thoughtful and innovative regarding the limited revenue opportunities that the city has at its disposal. As Chair of the Board of Estimates, I have been very outspoken on decisions the administration has undertaken that minimize city revenue because every dollar counts and it’s critically important for us to be thoughtful in this process. For example, Billboard lists CFG Bank Arena as 10th in the world for highest grossing venues. While that is an amazing story in itself, our lack of entrepreneurial vision gave full control of the city-owned attached parking garage through a sole source contract to the operators of the arena for the next 30 years. The revenue lost over that time is astounding. Last budget cycle was the first time in 125 years that the council had the authority to not only cut from the administration’s proposed budget but also redirect budget allocations. In preparation of this new authority, I prioritized bringing in subject matter experts to help ensure a more thorough budget process and established a standing committee to focus on financial and agency operational oversight year-round. This provides the council additional opportunities to scrutinize and raise concerns regarding the city’s financial viability.

A: Public safety must be the number one, most paramount issue at all times. If our citizens do not feel safe, then nothing else matters. So collaboration with the folks entrusted with protecting and serving our city is key. Our role as a Council is to hold the department accountable and transparent with oversight hearings, ensure that the most effective leaders are in place to make decisions with our vote to approve the Commissioner, and fighting to bring local control of the department back to City Hall rather than Annapolis for the first time since the Civil War era. Our communities deserved more input on policy decisions, and more collaboration with the men and women entrusted to serve and protect them. Additionally, we know that the vast majority of guns that end up in the hands of criminals in our city are coming from out of state. So my mission will be continuing to work with our state and federal partners to reduce trafficking of weapons into the city of Baltimore.

A: As President of the Board of Estimates, I’ve consistently voted no on every spending item proposed with ARPA funds because ARPA money was not strategically leveraged by the administration. Baltimore had an opportunity to take this once-in-a-lifetime tranche of capital and spend it on either hundreds of meaningful social programs and temporary jobs or investing it on a laser-focused plan to eliminate one or two massive, systemic challenges plaguing our city like housing and vacants properties. It is my belief that this provided a huge opportunity for us to bring in thought leaders from all sectors of our society and develop a comprehensive plan that we could objectively track the growth and return on investment of our plan. It also provided a huge opportunity for the city to lean on the private sector and philanthropic partners to invest in the plan and grow the $641 million ARPA allocation to a goal of $1 billion. These are the types of generational opportunities that we only get one shot at getting right. Because the administration decided to spend and not invest the money, the likelihood that programs, jobs, and capacity increases to meaningful and well-intended causes will be sustained is improbable.

A: I think it is important for the voters to decide and I understand the pros and cons by supporters and opponents. Whether there are 15 or 9 members of the council, real operational changes in the bureaucratic deficiencies are needed to provide better outcomes and services for our residents and stakeholders. One important change that is critically needed and not impacted by the size of the council is the reconfiguration of the Board of Estimates from a Mayor-controlled, five-member board to an independent board made up of the Mayor, City Council President, and Comptroller.

A: The reduction of real estate property taxes is critically needed to increase our tax base and make Baltimore homeownership more marketable and attainable. Obviously there are many ways to do this like leveraging state CORE money to eliminate blight and increased assessed values in communities that have been disproportionately disinvested, leveraging the new state law that I have fought to pass for years to tax vacant properties at a higher rate, utilize code enforcement to drive more properties into the hands of responsible owners, and utilize claw back clauses in land disposition agreements to take properties away from inexperienced or ill intentioned speculators. I have not seen sufficient modeling of Renew’s approach and I have deep concerns that it could adversely impact the city’s bond rating, exacerbate the deficit reality that all metropolitans are grappling with post COVID, and potentially harm our financial viability. Without seeing sufficient modeling and data projections that the gradual reduction would have an immediate inverse reaction to revenue growth, I am unable to support the plan at this time.

A: The best thing about the Harborplace proposal is nothing happens without the citizens of Baltimore’s support in this year’s November general election. I voted Yes to move the measure to the citizens, alongside 13 other councilmembers. I’m proud of the transparency that was emphasized. We heard from community members at several open planning commission meetings, multiple community forums, a committee hearing with hours of public testimony, and a full legislative process. There will be many more hours dedicated to working through every detail because this is simply too important of a project to cut any corners. The opportunity here is too great to not do everything in our power as a City Council to aid this process and ensure it’s transparent, inclusive, and successful for all our city residents.

A: From my time as a Councilman, to Delegate, to Council President, I’ve been one of the most outspoken advocates for affordable housing. I introduced the House Baltimore initiative that many argued passionately about. Some of those same folks are now uplifting smaller initiatives that strongly resemble pieces of House Baltimore. I also took an inclusionary housing bill that I wrote as a councilman and gave it to Councilwoman Ramos during this tenure to help move along now that I’m presiding over the Council. She’s been an incredible quarterback for that movement and I’m proud that we were able to pass such monumental legislation that did away with the failed policy that has been law for almost two decades. We wanted to give a voice, and a seat at the table to the thousands of working class families in our city living paycheck to paycheck. They have more than earned the same luxuries and amenities, the peace of mind, the comfort that anyone else in this city may enjoy, and this bill was nothing short of historic.

A: My voting record on each topic of discussion speaks for itself, and what I’ve always emphasized is opening up the people’s chamber and allowing for robust civic engagement. We’ve seen that with several town halls and oversight hearings on many topics, prominently including the Complete Streets policy. The citizens are the experts of their own communities, it’s important for them to have the opportunity to ask questions and have thoughtful dialogue with those entrusted to carry out policies. Developing a comprehensive plan that prioritizes safety and is inclusive of community input and effective and efficient city execution is sorely needed for the continued Complete Streets rollout.

A: As it currently stands, the Administration holds three-fifths of the voting power on the Board of Estimates, which tips the balance of power from even with the Comptroller and City Council, to extremely tilted toward the Mayor’s office. Balance of power and checks and balances are pillars of our democracy and have been since the 1780s. Those same ideals shouldn’t be exempt from the Board of Estimates. I am in favor of reconfiguring the Board of Estimates from a Mayor-controlled, five-member board to an independent board made up of the Mayor, City Council President, and Comptroller.

A: When you compare and contrast the combined legislative records of my opponents to myself, there’s a clear difference in leadership over platitudes, results over buzzwords, and most importantly - lived experiences in our city. I’m from Baltimore, for Baltimore. This city has watched me grow over the years. I’ve felt the pain in their voices, and I’ve shared the highs and lows with them. Their scars are my scars. My wins are their wins. And other than being a father to two beautiful daughters, my highest honor is representing my neighbors across Baltimore in City Hall and giving every one of them a well-deserved seat at the table. From standing up to big business to ban the box for second chances of ex offenders as as councilmember, to fighting legislators from across the state to keep the Preakness in Baltimore as a Delegate, and now as City Council President passing historic inclusionary housing policy and bringing local control of the Baltimore Police Department back to the city for the first time since the Civil War, I believe that sets me far apart from my opponents.