Age: 78
Personal: Married, two adult sons, one grandson. Lives in Madison Park neighborhood in West Baltimore.
Education: Graduate of St. Emma Military Academy in Powhatan, Virginia. Bachelor’s degree, architecture, Hampton University. Master’s degree, urban planning, University of Pittsburgh.
Experience: Former associate director at Neighborhood Housing Services in Pittsburgh. Reached rank of second lieutenant in the U.S. Army, serving with U.S. Foreign Service, Military Advisory Group/Civil Operations Rural Development Support. Awarded the Bronze Star.
A: Areas where these programs are working effectively now will be continued. However, measures must be taken to collaborate with various aspects of Baltimore’s law enforcement operations with those of GVRS and MONSE.
A: Efforts must be made to better educate youth at an earlier age about the value of life and provide adequate parental support to families experiencing child-rearing challenges. Other methods will be explored to incentivize unifying families and provide assistance to help them function better.
A: First and foremost, efforts must be made to eliminate the rampant ethical flaws existing within its governing leadership. Aggressive attempts must be made to attract private businesses into Baltimore. It’s possible to accomplish this through collaborating economic development recruitment efforts with neighboring jurisdictions. Also reduce unnecessary administrative hurdles and regulations effecting local business retention. There also must be greater coordination with local economic development groups to recruit businesses into the city. Bettering the lives for residents cannot be realized until the schools are improved, and neighborhoods cleaned up.
A: In my opinion the Renew Baltimore initiative is a great one. However, it must not foster restrictions or limitations on the government’s ability to responsibly generate additional revenue necessary to fund very responsible purposes.
A: In my view since ARPA is a temporary infusion of funds, any excess money should be used for one time or non-recurring needs. Capital improvements that facilitate future savings or are revenue producing can be permissible.
A: Whatever the number, there is never going to be enough affordable housing. However, my administration will strive to utilize an equitable number of city-owned properties are made available to appropriately provide for those needing housing. Also, every effort will be made to ensure that new non luxury or high-end housing construction includes set asides to accommodate those meeting affordable housing guidelines.
A: An Office of Neighborhood Stabilization would be established to aggressively monitor and maintain a roster of vacant properties to record its conditions. Any action necessary to maintain the public safety action will be taken and contact sought with the registered owner.
A: Considering pending budget deficits, Baltimore must prioritize spending and where necessary appropriately adjust the city’s governing structure through eliminating any unnecessary non-emergency functions.
A: As presently proposed, I do not support the Harborplace redevelopment. In my opinion it’s been rush through to receive city council approval. The process has not been sufficiently transparent, and no market analysis completed to justify creating 900 luxury units. Also considering many urgent needs of the city, this possible drain on the city’s finances is not necessary right now.
A: I recommend reevaluating the Complete Streets policy. Its objectives must be suitable for the specific neighborhoods they are designed to serve. Also, this initiative should have received significant and verified community approval.
A: I can bring an unbiased perspective and approach towards managing Baltimore. And, particularly given multiple experiences gained elsewhere, I will exercise best practices and numerous other innovative ideas learned. I also will encourage using another way of thinking towards solving problems that facilitate making Baltimore as better place to live and work. Also, equipped with a very diverse professional background and educational training I will be very focused on the needs of the city and not distracted by events/people from the past.