Age: 62

Personal: Divorced mother of three adult daughters, Ida, Alex and Katrina.

Education: Associate’s degree from Baltimore City Community College. Bachelor’s degree from Towson State University. Master’s degree in education from Coppin State University.

Experience: Former president, Upper Fells Point Neighborhood Association. Former director for the Muscular Dystrophy Association and United Cerebral Palsy of Central Maryland. 10 years’ experience as a teacher in Baltimore public schools.

Endorsements: Maryland Forward Party.

Notable donors: Seeking public financing, not yet qualified.


A: The effectiveness of programs like the Group Violence Reduction Strategy (GVRS) and the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement (MONSE) depends on various factors such as their implementation, community support, resources allocated, and the specific needs and challenges of Baltimore. These programs need an independent audit. Once the audit is completed we can determine the next steps. I would end End Safe Streets and use the money to Open 64 Police Athletic Leagues (PAL). Crime was at it lowest when safe streets were open and the Police Academy had high enrollment.

A: First, I will address and put in place programs to get students into school. Currently 58% of students in Baltimore City Schools are chronically absent and Baltimore’s youth are being shot at highest rate in a decade. Twenty-seven young people have been killed and 122 shot. Lack of Education and Crime go hand in hand. Juvenile fatal shooting is down 20% but Juvenile Non-Fatal shooting is up 36%. Second, I will start Problem Oriented Policing. The police will work with the community, businesses and city agencies to identify the address the causes of crime. Once identified every action will be taken to prevent the crime. Many of the causes are drug addiction, homelessness, food insecurity, mental health and truancy. We will become proactive instead of reactive. Third, Clean Up Baltimore-Research shows that litter increases crime. When litter exists, people perceive there to be more crime in the area compared to a place that does not have litter. I will crack down on illegal dumping, give incentives to DPW workers, new equipment and start preforming weekly street cleaning. Start–Charm City Clean-Up, more trash can with daily pick up in busy areas of the city, public relations campaign, contests across Baltimore.

A: I will bring businesses and manufactures back to Baltimore by doing the following: First, I will reduce crime. The top reasons that businesses leave is crime prevents them from making a profit or customers coming to their establishments. Second is reduce taxes so Baltimore is competitive. Third, improve education by centralizing the 1.7 billion dollar budget and making every school a good choice with the option of learning a trade. Fourth, provide free community college training to obtain a job. Finally, I would create a think tank to work of opportunities to improve prosperity.

A: I support Renew Baltimore. Baltimore City’s property tax rate of $2.248 is more than double Baltimore County’s rate of $1.10 and every other county in Maryland, making it difficult for people to live in our city and for businesses to grow and prosper in our city. It discourages much-needed investment — everything from ordinary home improvements to large-scale redevelopment of vacant and abandoned property.

A: Our mayor was given $641 million in American Rescue Plan and he will lose it if not spent by December 31, 2024. It’s crucial for Baltimore to consider the long-term sustainability of investments made through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) once the federal funding expires. Here are some aspects of the city’s ARPA investments that I would implement. I would allocate funds to infrastructure projects such as repairing roads, upgrading public transportation systems, or improving water and sanitation facilities, sustaining these investments could contribute to the city’s long-term economic development and quality of life. I would support small businesses through grants, loans, or technical assistance programs, sustaining these efforts can help promote entrepreneurship, job creation, and economic resilience in Baltimore. I would invest in public health infrastructure, such as expanding access to healthcare services, addressing health disparities, or enhancing emergency preparedness, can have long-term benefits for the well-being of Baltimore residents and the overall resilience of the city’s healthcare system. I would directed towards affordable housing initiatives, such as constructing new affordable housing units, rehabilitating existing properties, or providing rental assistance, sustaining these investments can help address housing affordability challenges and reduce homelessness in the city.

A: I would work with federal government and city housing to find land to build container homes. The cost of container homes in Maryland can vary depending on various factors such as size, design, and location. On average, a basic container home can range from $20,000 to $50,000. Reestablish “Dollar Homes” to tackle the vacant homes crisis and allow Baltimore residents to build generational wealth. Start the path to home ownership for people on rental assistance. Use the funds that support “landlords” to support home owners

A: When I come to office if a property has been vacant for a two years their real estate taxes will double if a plan is not submitted and work started in six months. I will start task force to identify the vacant properties who have not sent in a plan and the city will take them over.

A: First the city needs to have an independent forensic accounting of every department. Let’s follow the money. Second, lets look at new ways to gain revenue for Baltimore. Run the Marc Train until 3 am to DC so we can bring in residence from DC for concerts, games, plays and events. Currently many people from DC don’t come because they only have the 10 pm train to get home. Preakness came bring in $50 million in revenue like Kentucky if we have 2 weeks of celebrations and events. Look at ways to bring our government to the 21st century.

A: I do not because we do not need more apartments. We need to create a mixed use destination like the National Harbor. It has hotels, apartments, condos townhomes and retail. It also has waterside trails and tours and the Capital Wheel. Zoning would need to be changed to accomplish a vacation destination and place to live.

A: Community Engagement: Enhance community engagement efforts to ensure that the voices of residents, businesses, and stakeholders are heard in the planning and implementation of Complete Streets projects. This can help build consensus, address concerns, and foster greater support for the policy. Flexible Design Guidelines: Provide flexibility in design guidelines to accommodate the diverse needs and characteristics of different streets and neighborhoods in Baltimore. Tailoring street designs to local contexts and priorities can help maximize the benefits of Complete Streets while minimizing potential conflicts. Equitable Distribution of Investments: Ensure that investments in Complete Streets projects are distributed equitably across neighborhoods, with a focus on addressing disparities in transportation infrastructure and promoting social equity. Prioritize projects in underserved communities that lack access to safe and accessible streets. Safety Enhancements: Strengthen safety enhancements for pedestrians and cyclists, such as installing protected bike lanes, crosswalks, pedestrian islands, and traffic calming measures. Emphasize Vision Zero principles to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries on Baltimore’s streets. Education and Outreach: Increase education and outreach efforts to raise awareness about the benefits of Complete Streets, promote active transportation modes, and encourage responsible behavior among all road users.

A: Education and Crime go hand and hand. I have been a Baltimore City Teacher for 10 years and I know what needs to done to make every school a good choice. My prior experience in the corporate work and a Director of two nonprofits gives me the experience to run Baltimore. I was awarded an $80,000 Safety Grant from the State of Maryland to make her neighborhood safe. I was the former President of Upper Fells Point and leads events to better the community like trash cleanups, beautification, and celebrations of Baltimore’s rich history. I took on a leadership role in the fight against BGE’s installation of external gas regulators and help residents get the help they needed. In my spare time Wendy volunteers for multiple organizations including Helping Up Mission that supports Women and their Children who need help in Baltimore. When I am Mayor of Baltimore City, you will see a mayor that works tirelessly in the community to bring hope and solutions to problems facing the people of Baltimore. My vision of Baltimore is a vibrant city that has low crime, is clean, has an excellent school system, where everyone has a place to live, and enough food to eat. All of Baltimore - North, South, East and West - will be places everyone wants to visit. We will be a model for the rest of the country. Baltimore will truly be “Charm City.”