What’s the job: Representing residents on the 15-member City Council, including introducing and voting on legislation, approving city spending and providing oversight of city operations. Council members are elected to four-year terms by district. The 6th District includes neighborhoods such as Ashburton, Coldspring, Forest Park, Park Heights and Roland Park.
Look up your City Council district here.
Name: Robyn A. Christian
Age: 53
Personal: She is divorced and has two adult children.
Education: Graduate of Walbrook High School in West Baltimore; associate’s degree, Purdue University Global.
Experience: Investigator for the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services from 2004 to 2022. Worked in Baltimore City’s Child Support Enforcement Office in the 1990s before spending six years in the Virginia Beach, Virginia, sheriff’s office as a deputy sheriff. Vice president for the Dorchester Neighborhood Association from 2018 to 2019 and was also appointed to Mayor Catherine Pugh’s Women’s Commission for Youth, where she served for two years.
Endorsements: None
Notable donors: None.
Did not respond to the candidate questionnaire.
Name: Sharon Green Middleton
Age: 70
Personal: Married, lives in the Coldspring Newtown neighborhood.
Education: Bachelor’s degree, education, Morgan State University.
Experience: The longest-serving member of Baltimore City Council, Middleton currently serves as the body’s vice president. First appointed to the council in 2007 and has held her seat since then. Before joining the council, Middleton started her professional career as a teacher in the public school system and later worked in the Maryland Department of Education.
Endorsements: Sierra Club Maryland Chapter, CASA In Action, AFSCME Maryland, 1199 SEIU, Metropolitan Baltimore AFL-CIO
Notable donors: Cross Keys Investors; SBF Capital; Rosenberg Martin Greenberg LLP. Josh Fannon, the president of the firefighters union IAFF Local 964; Residential Title & Escrow Company in Owings Mills.
Did not respond to the candidate questionnaire.
Name: Steven T. Johnson
Age: 37
Personal: Lives in Park Heights with his wife and their three children.
Education: Bachelor’s degree, political science and urban studies, Coppin State University. Pursuing a master’s in educational administration.
Experience: Program director for the nonprofit Youth Advocate Programs overseeing the organization’s contribution to Baltimore’s Group Violence Reduction Strategy. Prior, Johnson spent 13 years as a teacher of American government and English for grades ranging from 4 through 11.
Endorsements: Maryland Child Alliance
Notable donors: Using public financing.
A: Reducing council districts won’t allow for multiple council members to represent those areas. Our city has enough needs that get over looked with 14 districts. I believe those issues would multiply, with more area, and less manpower (council people) to assist. I actually support a two council member per district setup. It would allow for more targeted focus on legislative and constituent priorities.
A: As a city, we have to ensure that affordable housing isn’t code word for projects, or housing with poor quality of life issues surrounding them. Having housing that’s affordable brings in multiple levels of income into a certain area; creating a balance. Also, we could look at a cap on housing/ rental costs, preventing overpricing which takes advantage of folks with lower incomes. Now folks are forced to choose between food, medicine, or rent. We can certainly do better.
A: There are many other cities that have successfully dealt with their vacant housing stock, we just have to seek out those things and implement here, according to our needs. Also, we have to be creative and innovative when it comes to vacancy. Repurposing vacant properties for new business, restaurants etc. Even giving the community the ability/ incentives to buy into those vacant and recreate their usage, are some ways we can begin to chip away at this issue. We just have to provide the space and support for those things to happen.
A: Harborplace is what draws tourists, and adds to our city revenue. However, far too long has the harbor been the focus point in our city. The tax breaks, PILOT and other money saving and money giving opportunities available for businesses and downtown, must be brought uptown. Small businesses in our communities can benefit from Boost funding, tax breaks etc. These opportunities, would provide incentive for those small business owners. Also, it would provide diversity in the types of businesses our communities have. Bring the investment that has historically happened downtown, UPTOWN!! And we must come up with a plan of action immediately.
A: I would introduce legislation that would place a $2,600 fine and drivers license points/suspension on those that dump illegally. This will take some work with some other partners to get this done, but that’s what we are elected to do, work to get the job done. We have to begin to attack those things that decrease value, and increase crime and other nefarious activities in our communities.
A: Citizens all over the country, are looking for ways to save money, and cut costs. Property taxes is one of those things a lot of citizens would like to see some savings on. Citizens also, wouldn’t be so upset if they felt the services they received from the city matched the taxes paid to the city. If taxes are cut, it just has to be done in a way that’s helpful to our city’s bottom line, and without hidden agendas that could harm us in the long run. The process must make sense, and be transparent for the people of Baltimore.
A: Currently, I work for a nonprofit that serves high-risk young people and adults; helping them to make better life choices.
A: The reality is, there are so many backlogged things that could be put forward, that new things are needed at this point. I believe that advocating for trade, skill and licensure programs at our city high schools is imperative. It shows young people alternative pathways to success, without having to go to college. It shows them that we believe in giving them options, instead of a cookie-cutter route, that everyone is being forced into. Young people thrive off of having options.
A: As an educator in City Schools for over 13 years, and Neighborhood Association president for six years, I’m asking voters to elect Steven T. Johnson. I am a person that’s creative and innovative. I am a person that listens, that’s willing to not just make decisions for the people, but make decisions with the people. This requires me to be accessible, and engaging with residents. I am a person of integrity, and can get the job done; making things happen. We have a solid track record of making things happen already, let’s build on it together, as your District 6 City Councilman!!
Name: Ronday Wilson
Wilson did not respond to biographical questions or the candidate questionnaire.